Project chronicle of the third-party funded project “Towards Sonic Resocialisation” (funded by the German Lost Art Foundation)
The Lautarchiv is analysing its collection of recordings of prisoners of war from the First World War who were recruited for the armies of European powers in the colonies. These include 456 audio documents of African prisoners in German camps, and the digitised recordings and the associated historical written documentation are to be shared with the Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire (IFAN) in Dakar, Senegal, as well as with other African archives in the future.
The project chronicle provides insights into the current developments of “Towards Sonic Resocialization”.
01.03.2024 - Start of the project
04-15.03.2024 - Travel planning phase to Senegal (Dakar)
06.03.2024 - Letter to the IFAN
11.03.2024 - Invitation from IFAN to Dakar
26.03.2024 - Stefan Klenke (Dept. VIII, HU) produces a series of photographs in the new premises of the Lautarchiv
04.04.2024 - The dates for the trip to Senegal are set for 19-23 May 2024
08.04.2024 - Launch of the Lautarchiv’s general Instagram channel
10.04.2024 - Translation of the personal information form into English and French
16.04.2024 - Project entry on the list of Projects of the Working Group Colonial Provenances of the Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung e.V.
26.04.2024 - Introduction of the project on Instagram
06.05.2024 - First team meeting
14.05.2024 - Creation of a data workbench
28.05.2024 - Talk with Abdoulaye Ndiaye (IFAN)
10.-12.06.2024 - Trip to Dakar, workshop with scientists from IFAN
21.06.24 - Lecture on the ethics of Lautarchiv at the symposium ” No future without memory. Strategies of Preservation in Cultural Archives” in Nuremberg (Alina Januscheck, Christopher Li)
05.07.2024 - Presentation of the project at the network meeting “Colonial Contexts” (Katarzyna Puzon)
August 2024 - Planning the trip to the Comoros
08.08.2024 - Second team meeting
21.09.2024 - Presentation of the project at Leipzig Postkolonial e.V.